
Monday, July 22, 2013

Dinosaur Storytime

Opening Song: The More We Get Together
*We sing and clap to our opening song.  All Stillwater Public Library story times start with this song and the children learn that song means story time is starting.

The more we get together
Together, together
The more we get together
The happier we'll be
Cause your friends are my friends
And my friends are your friends
The more we get together
The happier we'll be.

Bones, bones, dinosaur bones

Book: Bones, Bones, Dinosaur Bones by Byron Barton

Song: Dinosaur, Dinosaur
Dinosaur, Dinosaur, stomp around
Dinosaur, Dinosaur, shook the ground
Dinosaur, Dinosaur, some gave fear
Dinosaur, Dinosaur, we wish you were here

Book: The Littlest Dinosaur by Michael Foreman

Song: Where Oh Where did the Dinosaurs Go? (tune of Where oh where has my little dog gone?)
Where, oh where, did the dinosaurs go
Where, oh where, can they be?
They used to roam 'round the swamp
But now they are gone, you see!

Book:  No T. Rex in the Library by Toni Buzzeo

Fingerplay: Hiding Dinosaurs
Dinosaur, Dinosaur, where can you be?
Hiding behind me (hands behind back)
Where you cannot see,
Now you see one. (Bring out one hand)
It's waiting for you.
Here comes another, (bring out other hand)
And now you see two!

Craft: Make a dinosaur.  We colored body parts of a dinosaur and connected the joints with brads.

Beyond Storytime: Check out the dinosaur exhibits at the Sam Noble Museum in Norman, OK.

Fun Dino-activities to do at home:

Other books to checkout:  
Dini Dinosaur by Karen Beaumont
Dear Tyrannosaurus Rex by Lisa McClatchy
How Do Dinosaurs Say Good Night? by Jane Yolen & Mark Teague
Nonfiction dinosaur books can be found in 567.9

For Dinosaur loving parents:
My Beloved Brontosaurus: On the road with old bones, new science, and our favorite dinosaurs by Brian Switek (567.913 SWI)

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